California Today Full Broadcast (April 4)

A court in Los Angeles found a corporate diversity law unconstitutional. Under the law, every board of directors had to have a certain number of minority members. The plaintiffs in the case are calling the court’s ruling “historic.”

A suspect was arrested in connection to a mass shooting in the state’s capital. We have an update on the mass shooting in Sacramento that killed six and wounded 12 Sunday.

Los Angeles is piloting a universal basic income program. Recipients will receive $1,000 per month for three years, if they meet certain requirements.

A heat wave is on its way to the Bay Area. We’ll look at just how hot it’s going to get. 

A northern California woman is pushing for restoring the rights of Native Americans to use “cultural fire” to clear abundant fuel in the community. The practice has been prohibited since the early 1900s. 

A 100-year-old park ranger is finally retiring. She led tours at a Northern California historical park, teaching visitors about World War II.