Camp Fire: Paradise Destroyed in Wildfire

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 10, 2018US News

A fast moving campfire in Northern California has spread across 100,000 acres, and killed at least nine people on Nov. 10.

Victims of the fire were inside cars. Some were in or near their homes. The city of Paradise was almost completely destroyed.

All that’s left were piles of burned-out cars and charred ruins everywhere.

The residents who lived in the small city had evacuated, leaving the city in ruins. Any signs of life were hard to detect with all the smoke and char.

Even the sun had a hard time penetrating through the haze of the fire.

The disaster destroyed fast food restaurants, churches, and other buildings in the small town.

However, despite the raging fires, one person’s house managed to survive. Jim Gilmore, whose house survived the fire, said, “It’s bizarre. Mind-boggling. It’s hard to fathom right now. It’s just numbing as you’re driving through here. It’s crazy how many places are burned in just the town. Twenty four hours ago went into total mass destruction.”

Despite that, Gilmore said that the residents who lived in this small town will come back. “The people up here are strong and they’re resilient and they don’t take no for an answer.”

As of now, the campfire is 20 percent contained, and 65 structures in the town have been destroyed.