You can’t stop a child’s smile

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 22, 2017Stories


Two-year-old Sloan McGillis was born with a large tumor on the left side of her face large enough that it required multiple surgeries.  Sloan and her parents traveled to New York City from Montana recently to have the second of several surgeries to have the tumor removed. The first was in 2016 when Sloan was 11-months-old.


The official diagnosis for the type of tumor Sloan was born with is called a hemangioma. It’s non-cancerous but affects the muscles and nerves of her beautiful little face. Sloan’s parents Joe and Jenny researched different specialists from around the country immediately after she was born. They chose to work with Dr. Milton Waner, one of the world’s foremost experts in vascular anomalies. On January 6, Dr. Waner and his team at Lenox Hill Hospital performed the second of what looks like will be three surgeries for Sloan.


The surgery required incisions be made below Sloan’s eye near her mouth and nose. They were able to remove around 90% of the tumor. “The smile muscle is in tact” confirmed Dr. Waner.

The results have been excellent, and the McGinnis family could not be happier with the outcome. Both mom and dad have handled the unexpected remarkably well.


The family is back home in Montana now, where they have received an outpouring of support from family, friends, and their community. And Sloan? Sloan is just another happy 2-year-old with a big smile.
