Capitol Report (April 28): Economy Shrinks 1.4% in First Quarter

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
April 28, 2022Capitol Report

The economy is shrinking, according to data. This, coupled with red hot inflation and soaring gas prices, is ramping up pressure on the White House and Congress to act. What are they doing about it?

President Joe Biden announces another request for funding for Ukraine. The latest amount stands at about $33 billion for the next five months of war.

Is a law that was created before the existence of social media protecting consumers, or is it benefiting modern-day social media giants? Is it fair, and more importantly, is it constitutional?

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is introducing a new bill to abolish Section 230, as she comments on Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover and invites him to a roundtable in Washington.

Moderna is seeking FDA approval to use its COVID-19 vaccine on children as young as 6 months. The Epoch Times reached out to the Food and Drug Administration for comments.

Dr. Ben Carson joins us to discuss his new book, and he also weighs in on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s latest comments on the pandemic.

The United States is subsidizing firms in communist China, and many Americans may be surprised by what is being subsidized by their local government.

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