Capitol Report (Aug. 31): DOJ Opposes Request for Special Master; Campaign Cash in Spotlight

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
August 31, 2022Capitol Report

The Justice Department says former President Donald Trump can’t request a special master to review records the FBI seized from his Mar-a-Lago home. The DOJ says those documents belong to the government, and they are accusing Trump of withholding classified records.

A memo is reminding Department of Justice personnel not to talk with Congress. It comes amid concerns that the DOJ is trying to silence a wave of whistleblowers.

Ever wonder why some elected officials have a hard time following through on campaign promises? We’re following the money to get to the root of it.

Wednesday is Overdose Awareness Day. As the deadly drug fentanyl is poisoning thousands of Americans across the nation, retired DEA Agent Derek Maltz joins us to discuss.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) says that China is positioning itself in such a way that it could do irreparable damage to the United States.

Over 9,000 illegal immigrants have been bused from Texas to the nation’s Capitol and New York.

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