Capitol Report (Dec. 17): Biden’s Massive Social Welfare Bill

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
December 17, 2021Capitol Report
Capitol Report (Dec. 17): Biden’s Massive Social Welfare Bill
"Build Back Better Bill" stands at the U.S. Capitol on December 14, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Leigh Vogel/Getty Images)

The Build Back Better bill is on hold for the holidays, but the debate will carry on into the new year. We break down the social welfare programs in the massive bill and how this spending would change what you’re paying in taxes.

With President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better social and climate spending bill essentially one vote away from passing, we sat down with Star Parker, the president and founder of CURE (Center for Urban Renewal and Education), to find out what the implications are for the urban community.

As Omicron spreads rapidly, the latest data shows that COVID-19 is surging again across the United States, with key indicators of death and hospitalizations rapidly on the rise.

A new wave of sanctions is coming down on Beijing. The U.S. government has put investment and export restrictions on dozens of Chinese companies, while the Senate passes a bill targeting the Chinese Communist Party’s forced labor practices.

With the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games just around the corner and most major countries around the world conducting a diplomatic boycott, will this stop the Chinese regime from being the most egregious human rights violator on the planet? Congressman Pat Fallon weighs in.

Former First Lady Melania Trump has launched a virtual platform to showcase blockchain art for purchase as NFTs. Proceeds will include funding for foster child education in computer science.

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