Capitol Report Full Broadcast (May 19)

The Pentagon is found to have overestimated the value of weapons sent to Ukraine by $3 billion. General Michael Flynn joins us to discuss the issue.

High-stakes negotiations over the debt ceiling have hit a road bump. Find out why Republicans have hit the pause button.

The United States is laying out the largest set of sanctions it’s ever imposed on a major economy. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s president is planning to travel to Japan.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) is gearing up to throw his hat in the ring for a 2024 presidential bid—and he’s doing it with a big splash.

The chief pollster at the Trafalgar Group joins us to explore polls on the 2024 presidential race. Can we trust them? We take a look.

OpenAI is making it easier to access its artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, from your phone—but for iOS users only.