Capitol Report Full Broadcast (May 24)

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former President Donald Trump will share their ideas on the same stage before the Libertarian National Convention. Both presidential candidates are bidding for the support of third-party voters.

President Joe Biden and President Trump are sparring over economic policies after the former president appealed to New Yorkers at a massive Bronx rally. What are some highlights from President Trump’s rare New York event, and what’s next in the 2024 race?

Lars Mapstead is running for the Libertarian Party’s nomination for president. We spoke with him about his ideas for changing election laws and how the Federal Reserve operates, as well as something he hopes will outlive his candidacy.

Tensions between the United States and communist China have been brought to new heights by a string of trade restrictions. An expert panel reflected on the United States’ current economic strategy toward Beijing.

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