Capitol Report Full Broadcast (Sept. 7)

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
September 7, 2023Capitol Report

Former Trump economic adviser Peter Navarro was charged with two counts related to not cooperating with the January 6th House Select Committee. The first count is for failing to turn over documents to the committee. The second is for failing to appear for testimony.

Disputes over domestic spending and aid to Ukraine are putting the House and Senate on a collision course amid the unresolved issue of a looming government shutdown.

President Joe Biden is on his way to the G-20 summit in India. What’s on his agenda as threats from China are in the spotlight?

A murderer is still on the loose in Pennsylvania. Law enforcement continues searching for the illegal immigrant who escaped from prison eight days ago. The fugitive is considered extremely dangerous.

The Pentagon is growing frustrated over Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blockade of military nominations. But retired General William Boykin might feel otherwise.

The nation’s capital is now on high alert after a murder suspect escaped from police custody. Local law enforcement are warning residents to proceed with caution.