Capitol Report (June 29): Enes Kanter Freedom Risked His NBA Career; Border Crisis in Spotlight

The Biden administration kicked off its first sales for oil and gas leases on federal land, as environmental groups are pushing back in court. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is expected to release a ruling this week on the government’s role in environmental regulations.

The crisis on the southern border is back in the spotlight, and President Joe Biden is calling it political grandstanding. Former border state sheriff Richard Mack joins us to discuss.

Several candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump secured their party nominations in the Tuesday primaries.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle join forces at the largest gathering of religious freedom advocates. Who are they calling out, and what actions is the United States taking to defend this essential right around the world?

Enes Kantor Freedom was squeezed out of the NBA because of his strong stance on human rights abuses, specifically calling out the Chinese communist regime. We spoke to Freedom at the summit.

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, a Trump appointee, told Google and Apple they should remove the TikTok app. Carr said that the app poses a national security threat.

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