Capitol Report (March 17): U.S. Olympian and Father Targeted by CCP

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
March 17, 2022Capitol Report

Gas prices aren’t falling fast enough to evade pressure from the Biden administration and lawmakers on Capitol Hill. We look at their plan of action to deal with these elevated prices at the pump.

The House passed a bill on Thursday to end normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus.

The pandemic is showing signs of a surge in China and parts of Europe. The United States is still heavily reliant on the Chinese Communist Party for protective gear and pharmaceutical drugs, but is anything being done about it?

And while the country is focused on Ukraine, some are urging attention on Americans who are facing sentencing for entering the Capitol on Jan. 6. We bring you the story of one of them.

What will be said when the leaders of China and the United States speak Friday? We’ll ask Congressman Steve Chabot his thoughts on the upcoming meeting.

The Chinese regime was conducting surveillance on an American Olympic figure skater and her family.

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