Capitol Report (March 29): Senate Repeals Iraq War Authorizations; Russia Suspends Nuclear Notifications With US

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
March 29, 2023Capitol Report

The Senate repeals Iraq War authorizations 20 years after the start of the Iraq War, part of Congress’s effort to reassert its war powers over the president.

Senators weigh a TikTok ban. One Republican breaks with the party in opposition, as Arkansas files a lawsuit against the platform over mental health concerns.

Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.) joins us to talk about what he learned from his recent trip to the border and a bill he is working on to help millions of illegal immigrants change their status.

New reports are saying D.C.’s prosecutor is dismissing most crime cases, including felonies. Meanwhile, a House committee invited city leaders to investigate numbers in rising crime.

A retired general joins us to discuss America’s approach to China, Russia, and Iran. He warns that the United States hasn’t been doing enough to hold these regimes accountable.

A new bill proposes that bank executives would have to give back their pay if their banks fail.