Capitol Report (May 3): Leaked Supreme Court Opinion Shocks Justice System

The landmark abortion ruling Roe v. Wade is on the cusp of being overturned. A leaked draft Supreme Court ruling shows how the Justices are expected to rule on an abortion case. Protestors have rallied in Washington to express their thoughts on the issue.

Former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson joins us to give her take on the current status of Roe v. Wade amid the fallout from the leak.

And what about the leaker? Some Republicans are calling for a full investigation and vowing to put this person in jail.

With some focused on a potential decision from the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, we’re tracking the other side as well: the unprecedented nature of the leaked decision and what the intention may have been behind the leak. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt joins us to discuss.

A police officer discharged a firearm inside a congressional building, and the officer has been suspended.

The FDA has rejected applications from pharmaceutical companies seeking to sell their drug products in the United States because the testing was mostly done in China.

Another wild fox has wreaked havoc in Washington. National Zoo staff arrived Monday morning to discover that 25 of the Zoo’s animals were killed.

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