Capitol Report (Nov. 7): Former WH Official Peter Navarro Weighs In on Midterms; Culture Issues Driving Voters to the Ballot

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
November 7, 2022Capitol Report

Election Day 2022 is nearly upon us. Former senior White House official Peter Navarro joins us to assess Tuesday’s midterm elections. We ask him about key races to watch, from state and local races to the federal House and Senate.

The economy is said to be the number one issue for voters. What will that mean for the candidates from both parties? We sat down with former Congressman Dave Brat to discuss.

On the top of the list for most voters will be the economy. However, social issues will also play a major role. Mathew Peterson, co-founder of digital platform New Founding, sits down with us to discuss some of the top social issues concerning Americans across the country.

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