Capitol Report (Oct. 7): White House Clarifies Biden’s Comments on Russia Nukes; Democrats Want More Action on Marijuana

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
October 7, 2022Capitol Report

The latest job numbers are out, and President Joe Biden is touting them as historic progress. But some Republicans call it the worst jobs report of the year.

Indiana Congressman Larry Bucshon joins us to talk about the latest jobs numbers and the state of the economy heading into the midterms—and what a newly elected Congress might do in 2023.

Democrats are quick to praise Biden’s pardon for marijuana possessions and ask for more. Republicans are slow to react.

New York City just declared a state of emergency, as nine more buses of illegal immigrants arrived Thursday. The mayor says, “Although our compassion is limitless, our resources are not.”

How important will the Hispanic vote be in the November midterms? We take a look at why Hispanic voters tend to lean Democratic, and other trends in the data.

Twitter continues to censor alternative voices. A renowned cardiologist has been suspended after he raised questions about COVID-19 vaccines.

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