Capitol Report (Sept. 28): US Embassy Urges Americans to Leave Russia; Pressure Mounts as Border Crisis Worsens

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
September 28, 2022Capitol Report

Republicans warn of probes into the border crisis. What are they saying to the administration, and why has Venezuela become one of their biggest concerns?

Senators are sounding the alarm that billions of tax dollars are being used to prop up the Chinese Communist Party.

As Hurricane Ian bears down on the Gulf Coast, what impact will this have on refineries and gas prices? We ask an expert and get his reaction to President Joe Biden’s comments on oil companies.

Vice President Kamala Harris is in Japan. She speaks to U.S. sailors, calling China’s behavior in Pacific waters “disturbing.”

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow is urging U.S. citizens to leave Russia immediately. They issued a security alert saying they have limited ability to help citizens in Russia.

A pro-life leader arrested by the FBI pleads not guilty. A civil suit with similar charges was tossed by the judge years ago. Heritage Foundation’s Hans Von Spakovsky joins us to weigh in.

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