Cat family enjoying civilized dinner together at the table

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 16, 2017Entertainment
Cat family enjoying civilized dinner together at the table

Can cats really have nice manners, and eat together at the table in a civilized way? In this video, a family of four cats demonstrates how one would go about making the impossible happen. Still, one of the cats feels that the chair is too low, and decides to stand with her front paws on the table right next to her plate, but the other three cats are doing just fine. They can nicely restrain themselves and eat with all their four paws on their chairs in a nice way, without making any mess.

Usually, it is considered to be rather difficult to teach cats some tricks, as cats don’t so much like to just sit upright upon being told to “sit”, so it’s all the more amazing that these four cats got the message how to eat in a nice and civilized way together.

Enjoy this video below about the perfect cat family eating together with lovely manners:

Credits: Riley, Max, Bella, Kona