CCP Orders Expanding Hospital Capacity ‘At All Levels All Means Possible’ to Deal With Fast-Worsening Pneumonia Outbreak

Alex Wu
By Alex Wu
December 8, 2023China News
CCP Orders Expanding Hospital Capacity ‘At All Levels All Means Possible’ to Deal With Fast-Worsening Pneumonia Outbreak
Patients wait to see the doctors at a fever clinic of Dongguan People's Hospital in Dongguan, Guangdong Province of China, on Dec. 20, 2022. (VCG/VCG via Getty Images)

The Chinese communist regime’s health authorities issued a notice ordering medical institutions at all levels to expand capacity by all means possible to deal with the worsening pneumonia outbreak that has overwhelmed major hospitals across China.

Experts believe that the new notice reveals that the outbreak has already spread throughout China and the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wants to shift the responsibility to the local governments at the bottom level.

The CCP’s National Health Commission issued a notice on Dec. 4, requiring all medical institutions to take “every effort to tap resources to carry out pediatric diagnosis and treatment services,” and divert sick children to local primary medical and health institutions for first diagnosis and follow-up diagnosis. Primary medical and health institutions in all regions must be fully open to children and must not refuse treatment.

The National Health Commission said that it’s because “the winter respiratory disease epidemic periods overlap in many places across the country, the demand for medical and health services for urban and rural residents, especially children, has increased significantly.”

The primary medical and health institutions mentioned in the notice include township health centers, community health service centers, and community hospitals. They are required to be equipped with the necessary facilities and equipment used for COVID-19 infections.

Wang He, a U.S.-based China observer, told The Epoch Times: “The notice issued by the Health Commission is actually acknowledging the full outbreak of the pneumonia throughout China.”

Mr. He said that the CCP requires all local-level health institutions to fully open, “which shows that this epidemic is fierce and spread across the country, and this situation is very dangerous.”

This wave of pneumonia has lasted for three months, since it started in September, spiked in mid-October, with many children reported having the “white lung symptom” that is often seen in severe “COVID-19” cases. The outbreak has continued to worsen quickly in China. Children’s hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Changchun, Dalian, Shenyang, Anhui, Shandong, Sichuan, Guangzhou, Jiangsu, Gansu, and other places across China have recently seen huge crowds of patients overwhelming the hospitals. In late November, the Department of Internal Medicine of Beijing Children’s Hospital received an average of more than 7,000 patients every day, far exceeding its capacity.

Sean Lin, an assistant professor in the Biomedical Science Department at Feitian College, former U.S. Army microbiologist, and Epoch Times contributor, told The Epoch Times that large hospitals in China are no longer able to handle the huge number of infected children seeking treatment and must divert them to lower-level local hospitals and clinics.

“Because the [CCP’s] central government has concealed the entire epidemic for at least three months. How much of an obstacle does this bring to local areas in taking active preventive measures?! The officials themselves don’t admit it, and the central government doesn’t admit it, then they shift blame to the local governments [by issuing the notice], making ordinary people believe that the infected children being turned away is because of the lack of cooperation among local medical services.”

The CCP’s National Health Commission’s notice also said that the outbreak is being caused by epidemic periods of respiratory diseases overlapping in many places in China, including influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, mycoplasma pneumonia bacteria, and COVID-19.

Mr. Lin said that the question that the CCP needs to explain clearly now is: “Why do so many people now need to go to the hospital for treatment, severe cases require IV (intravenous) treatment, and even white lungs [appeared] and require lung washing, etc. How do you explain [the occurrence of these] severe cases?”

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A doctor looks at a patient’s CT scan at a temporary hospital set up for COVID-19 patients in a sports stadium in Wuhan, in China’s central Hubei Province on March 5, 2020. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

“Even if there is cross-infection, there is no specific explanation as to which two viruses are causing cross infections making the symptoms worse.”

“Officials are still concealing the number of severe cases and deaths,” Mr. Lin said.

There are reports on social media and media of rising death tolls from the epidemic in many places, but authorities have been blocking the information.

A man identified only as Chen who works in the health care industry in Jinzhou city of Liaoning Province, told The Epoch Times sister media NTD that the number of deaths in hospitals has surged, but the news has been blocked by authorities: “Don’t look at the official figures. The number of deaths in hospitals has increased a lot now, and waiting lines [for cremation] have begun. They build an additional crematorium here, which has already prepared for it.”

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Parents with children suffering from respiratory diseases line up at a children’s hospital in Chongqing, China, on Nov. 23, 2023. (CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images)

Meanwhile, the regime has reinstated various COVID-19 control measures in the country, including PCR testing. The Shanghai International Airport and customs and the southern mega-city Guangzhou have restarted PCR testing, and Beijing has also restarted PRC testing.

Beijing Restarts PCR Testing

The “China Textile Industry Federation Document” published by the China Textile Economic Information Network shows that on Dec. 6, the 2023 China Textile Industry Federation Science and Technology Awards Conference was held in the small auditorium of the Beijing City Hall.

The first item of specific matters addressed in the document is: “According to the requirements of the Beijing Great Hall Administration, a negative COVID-19 PCR test certificate within 24 hours is required to enter the Great Hall, and the conference affairs team will arrange for the testing.”

The document also listed that representatives from the China National Textile and Apparel Council to take the PCR test in the east hall on the first floor of the People’s Insurance Building, No. 18 Chaoyangmen North Street, Chaoyang District, on the morning of Dec. 5; external representatives would be tested in the lobby of the Capital Hotel on the afternoon of Dec. 5.

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A woman gets a PCR test in Beijing, China on Jan. 10, 2022. (Andrea Verdelli/Getty Images)

A photo circulating on social media shows that a participant of the conference showed a PCR test certificate he/she received, which said to take this certificate to exchange for the invitation to People’s Great Hall in the parking lot at 7:30 a.m. on Dec. 6.

Ms. Yu, a Beijing resident, told Radio Free Asia on Dec. 6 that she took her child to the pediatrician at the General Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army of the CCP in Dongsijitiao in Beijing that morning and was required to do a COVID-19 PCR test before seeking treatment.

Huang Yun and Luo Ya contributed to this report.

From The Epoch Times