CCP Virus: Washington State’s Ties to China

As the CCP virus forces the United States to re-examine its relationship with China, we look at where the first case appeared in America—Washington state and Seattle, ground zero of the U.S. outbreak.

According to China expert Tang Jingyuan, the Chinese Communist regime’s leaders have always seen Seattle as an important nexus in its relationship with the United States. It’s the only city that all four leaders of the regime have visited, besides Washington DC.

China is Washington state’s biggest export market. Before the trade war hit, it spent nearly 16 billion dollars in 2018, more than twice of what it sent to Canada.

“Through doing business with these international companies, such as Boeing, they want to use the business interest as leverage, to affect change in U.S.-China relations, the ultimate purpose is to make the U.S. government loosen its restriction to China in technology and capital,” Tang said.