CCTV Gets Knifeman Jailed for 4 Years Over Attack on Mystery Cyclist

Simon Veazey
By Simon Veazey
September 29, 2018World News

His victim’s identity is still a mystery, but the attacker who slashed at a cyclist in broad daylight has been jailed for four years, thanks to some shocking CCTV footage.

The cyclist used his bike as a weapon to fend off Cecil Samba, 22, who had run across the street wielding a blade in the English city of Leicester on March 22.

Despite the victim never stepping forward, Samba, from London, was jailed on Sept. 28 for attempted grievous bodily harm with intent.

Cecil Samba
Cecil Samba, 22, jailed for four years for an earlier stabbing incident at Leicester Crown Court on Sept. 28, 2018. (Leicester Police)

Leicester Police released the footage of the attack.

The victim fled the scene a few minutes before an ambulance arrived.

PC Suhaib Khalid, the investigating officer, said, “This is yet another example of the damage that can be done when a decision is made to carry a knife.”

“Samba is a young man who now faces many years in prison because of his actions that day,” said Khalid in a statement.

“Samba carried out an unprovoked attack on a man in a busy city street, and despite extensive enquiries to locate the victim, he remains unidentified,” the statement continued.

Knife crime has been rising in the UK along with other violent crime, especially in London, in recent years.

The number of homicides in England and Wales rose for the fourth year running, the latest figures show.

Data released by the UK’s office of statistics shows that, excluding terror attacks, there was a total of 701 homicides in the year ending March 2018—a 12 percent increase from the previous year.

There was a 16 percent rise in recorded offenses involving a knife or sharp instrument.

Khalid said, “I hope that today’s outcome serves as a warning to anyone intent on carrying a knife and using it against another person that we will carry out a full and thorough investigation and bring those responsible to justice.

From The Epoch Times