Children Caught in the Crosshairs of Street Violence 

Cindy Drukier
By Cindy Drukier
September 25, 2021The Nation Speaks

According to the FBI annual crime report, murders went up by almost 30 percent in 2020, compared to 2019. That’s roughly 5,000 murders, representing the biggest single year jump by far since the FBI started keeping records in 1960. 

Of course, stats don’t have heartbeats or loved ones left behind. Hidden inside those numbers are actual people, including dozens of innocent little kids, blameless victims caught in the middle of a culture of inner city gang violence. 

That’s exactly what we discuss with our guest, Leonydus Johnson, host of the podcast Informed Dissent. Johnson realized the tragedy of these young victims isn’t getting recognized so he wanted to do his part to change that.  

Watch the full episode on EpochTV.