China In Focus Full Broadcast (April 12)

Tanks, cannons, and ships—a viral propaganda clip from the Chinese Communist Party stirs controversy, with calls for World War III sparking concern. But here’s the twist: the rallying cry isn’t for soldiers, it’s aimed at the nation’s young gamers.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell raising the alarm about a surge of what he calls “economic migrants” flocking to America from China. How is Beijing responding?

Major U.S. airlines urging the Biden administration to pause additional flights between China and the United States. They point to what they deem to be anticompetitive policies pushed by the Chinese regime.

And companies in Taiwan have backup plans on the brain in case of a Chinese invasion. What’s their plan B?

  1. CCP Military Clip Hints at War Readiness With Gaming Terms
  2. Border Crossers Might Not Come for Money: Campbell
  3. US Airlines Urge Biden to Block More Flights to China
  4. US, Japan, South Korea Hold Drills in South China Sea
  5. Philippines to Assert Rights in South China Sea
  6. Moolenaar: Support Freedom-Loving Nations
  7. Taiwan Firms Consider 2nd Headquarters in Case of War
  8. Emails Show Fauci Adviser’s Communications on Chinese Lab
  9. Hearing on CCP’s Malign Influence at the United Nations
  10. DHS Probes Chinese Crime Rings’ Role in Gift Card Scam
  11. Maine Kills Bill Targeting Illegal Chinese Pot Grow Sites
  12. China’s Exports, Imports Miss Forecasts by Big Margins
  13. Chinese Developer Vanke Shares, Bonds Fall