China in Focus Full Broadcast (April 12)

Is China readying for war? Chinese leader Xi Jinping called on his troops to up their military training, with a focus on armed combat, during a naval inspection. This comes amid heightened tensions over Taiwan, after the Chinese regime staged military exercises around the island over the weekend. The United States and allies are watching closely, as global strategic and economic interests ride on the line.

Topics in this episode:

  1. Chinese Troops Ordered to Up Training: ‘Actual Combat’
  2. Why Beijing Wants to Take Taiwan: Ret. Colonel
  3. China to Impose No-Fly Zone near Taiwan
  4. ‘You Do Not Speak for Europe’: Macron Remarks Under Fire
  5. French President Macron: ‘I Am a Maoist’
  6. Japanese Minister: World at ‘Turning Point in History’
  7. Japan to R&D Long-Range Missiles Amid Beijing Tensions
  8. Trudeau Foundation Board Resigns Over China-Linked, Seven Y/O Donation
  9. Taiwan’s VP Running in Presidential Election
  10. CIA Director Warns of Russia-China Relationship
  11. Mother of Shen Yun Dancer Imprisoned for Her Faith
  12. Brazil to Cut the U.S. Dollar in China Trade: Corr