China In Focus Full Broadcast (Dec. 29)

Tiffany Meier
By Tiffany Meier
December 29, 2022China in Focus

Update on China’s sweeping COVID-19 outbreak: Cars are lining up outside funeral homes in major cities, some gathering in the middle of the night.

Some families are forced to keep the bodies of their deceased loved ones at home. Overloaded funeral homes now have days-long wait times for services.

There’s an unusual death toll among China’s privileged. Why didn’t benefits and aid from the Chinese Communist Party shield them from the disease? An expert explains.

Italy is urging its European neighbors to test travelers from China for COVID-19 as other nations are ready to welcome them.

More U.S. weapons for Taiwan: a $180 million sale gets approved by the Biden administration.

Topics in this episode:

  1. Lines Form Outside Funeral Homes in Chinese Cities
  2. Dead Bodies Left at Home for Days: Chinese Funeral Houses Overloaded
  3. ‘Privileged but Fragile?’: Behind the Deaths of CCP Elites Amid Outbreak
  4. Cost of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Pill Paxlovid Soars in China
  5. Italy Urges EU to Test China Arrivals for COVID-19
  6. $180M U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan Approved
  7. Setback for China’s Digital Currency: FMR Official
  8. Tesla to Slow Shanghai Output in January: Schedule
  9. French Aerospace Company Fined $17M for China Bribery
  10. Companies Shifting Production Out of Asia
  11. Chinese Traveling Abroad Is a Big Concern: Sean Lin