China In Focus Full Broadcast (March 30)

The U.S. border is feeling the strain. This time, Chinese nationals are trying to enter the country illegally, with Border Patrol officials noting a 900 percent spike in encounters. Cartels are getting tens of thousands in cash to help smuggle them in, from $15,000 to $80,000. But why are they pouring into America? And what policies are being implemented?

Topics in this episode:

  1. 900% Spike in Chinese Migrants at U.S. Border
  2. Beijing Outpacing U.S. Military at ‘Disturbing’ Rate: General Milley
  3. Lawmakers Debate as TikTok Ban Reaches Senate
  4. TikTok’s Data Collection Has Malicious Intent: Fleming
  5. Another Top Chinese App Lemon8: TikTok Backup?
  6. Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-Wen Visits New York City
  7. Former Taiwanese Leader Visits Wuhan
  8. Man Killed Newspaper Chairman, Pleads Guilty
  9. China, Brazil Agree to Ditch U.S. Dollar for Trade
  10. Saudi Arabia Joins China-Led Security Bloc
  11. ‘Energy Security Today’: Rex Lee on What Fuels Our Future