China in Focus Full Broadcast (May 13)

Could clicking “add to cart” or “buy now” send personal information into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party? Besides social media app TikTok or e-commerce platform Temu, one of the world’s largest scam campaigns is reportedly operated by Chinese hackers—and American shoppers are the target. We have more from a top UK consumer protection agency.

China’s job market is struggling to stay afloat. Residents in a major Chinese manufacturing hub tell NTD what real life for job-seekers looks like in today’s China.

The UK announces plans to beef up defense. We have more on why its prime minister says it’s the most dangerous time for his country since the Cold War.

  1. China Behind One of World’s ‘Largest Online Scams’
  2. Investor Warns About Investing in Chinese Firms
  3. Chinese Job Struggle Worsens Amid Economic Woes
  4. China Home Sales Slump Over May Day Holiday
  5. UK PM Pledges Defense Spending Boost
  6. Blinken: China Helps Russia’s Defense Industrial Base
  7. China: Jailed COVID-19 Reporter Due to Be Freed
  8. The Fight for Religious Freedom in Communist China