China In Focus Full Broadcast (May 2)

Beijing’s increasing use of exit bans—barring people from leaving China—is coming under scrutiny, with both rights groups and foreign businesses voicing concern. And it’s not just Chinese nationals feeling the impacts. Reports note that scores of foreigners and executives also getting blocked at the border. What’s China’s end goal here?

Topics in this episode:

  1. Concerns Rise as China Ups Use of Exit Bans
  2. U.S. Concerned with China’s Actions Toward U.S. Firms; Foreign Companies Delaying Investing in China: Burns
  3. Biden: Security for the Philippines Is ‘Ironclad’
  4. Satellite Images Show Chinese Military Blimp
  5. ‘We Love China, Not the Communist Party’: NY Resident
  6. China Is Worst Religious Freedom Violator: Report
  7. Taiwan Congratulates Paraguay’s President-Elect New Gov’t Pledges to Keep Formal Ties with Taipei
  8. China’s Middle East Envoy Meets Syrian President
  9. Chinese Factory Activity Shrinks Unexpectedly
  10. Shanghai Predicts Crowds of Tourists for May Holiday
  11. ‘A Chilling Effect’: Eftimiades on Tensions Over China Putting Foreign Companies in More Tenuous Position

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