China in Focus (March 22): Outburst Hints at Beijing’s Objective: Expert

Beijing’s true intentions have been revealed in a speech. An expert suggests the real motivation behind a Chinese diplomat’s outburst during China’s first in-person meeting with the Biden administration.

Tit-for-tat sanctions have occurred between China and the European Union. Beijing seemingly takes revenge over European sanctions imposed over human rights abuse in Xinjiang.

Communist China takes new action in the South China Sea. Beijing sends over 200 vessels into waters claimed by the Philippines.

The Pentagon comments on China’s military. A top defense official says the United States must approach China as the country’s primary challenge. Beijing continues to boost its military and shows a willingness to take risks.

Public outcry erupts over calls for special privileges. Extra luxuries are usually reserved for China’s high-ranking officials. But now, a few claiming to be relatives of China’s elites are making demands.

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