China Property Bonds Dive, Fears of Ripple Effect

Tiffany Meier
By Tiffany Meier
November 10, 2021China in Focus

China’s real estate sector takes another hit. But this time, it isn’t Evergrande. Developer Kaisa is now making a desperate plea for help.

Risk or opportunity? Investment bank Goldman Sachs is weighing those options—and buying up Chinese real estate debt.

The United States is working to block American investments from funding China’s military. A ban on investing in nearly 60 Chinese companies gets an extension.

Thirteen U.S. officials pay Taiwan a visit. In a meeting there, the delegation discussed Taiwan’s defense capabilities amid China’s growing military pressure.

Two-thirds of Chinese provinces have been hit by the CCP (Chinese Communist Partyvirus. In some places, authorities are even forcing locals to drink a certain medical brew.

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