China Will Be More Aggressive After Xi Jinping Gets 3rd Term: Expert

Don Ma
By Don Ma
October 15, 2022China News

Chinese police stations are opening up all around the world, including in the United States. It’s an unprecedented new phenomenon that started under Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

This Sunday, Xi Jinping may become leader of the Chinese Communist Party for the next five years or even longer. He’s set things up to become leader for life.

Generally, there are no term limits for general secretaries of the Chinese Communist Party, but in recent decades, the norm has been for leaders to step down after two five-year terms.

But it looks like Xi does not intend to step down. He consolidated power after taking office in 2012. He eliminated political rivals through a so-called anti-corruption campaign.

If he gets a third term as head of the party, he will be in prime position to drive his policy agenda even further. Domestically, this could mean things like expanding the party’s reach in Chinese society. But globally, it could mean boosting China’s influence and power projection abroad, and may include expanding China’s police presence overseas.

Bradley Thayer, founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, shared his thoughts.