China’s Developing Nation Status Must Be Revoked as Beijing Invests in Repression, Not Development for the Poor: Brandon Weichert

A bipartisan bill to revoke communist China’s international status as a developing nation passed unanimously in the House on Monday. It would limit the benefits and aid China receives from the United States and other nations. It’s now moving on to the Senate.

NTD speaks to Brandon Weichert, a geopolitical analyst and author, who says the Chinese communist regime has been attacking the United States in the economic domain for the last 50 years, and it’s now time for the United States to fight back. Weichert also highlights the need for the Chinese Communist Party to stop investing in oppression of the Uyghurs in western China and instead develop their communities, in light of the fact that China’s developing nation status was originally implemented due to the country’s high poverty rate.