China’s Typhoon Doksuri Flood Victims: Footage

The Chinese Communist regime has yet to release a nationwide death toll for Typhoon Doksuri, which began surging in China since late July.

Over 800 towns were flooded, more than 1.2 million residents were relocated, and many lost their lives.

Please be aware, that the following footage may be disturbing for some viewers, due to its graphic nature.

Videos shared on social media reportedly show the bodies of China’s flood victims. Many were seen left abandoned on the streets. Some were seen buried in the mud.

The flood also destroyed farms and bodies of livestock were seen lying on the streets.

Concerns are rising over contagious diseases, given the hot weather, and survivors were shocked to see what had become of their homes.

Many local residents say they believe there were human factors that contributed to the disastrous floods.

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