China’s US Ambassador Touts Beijing’s ‘Democracy’

Beijing is trying to convince the world that it’s also a democracy and one that’s better than the U.S.

China’s new ambassador to the U.S., Xie Feng, tried to convince an American audience of just that.

He painted a vivid picture of China’s modernization and its so-called “advancements in human rights and democracy.”

According to a survey by Edelman, the Chinese people’s satisfaction with its government has stayed above 90 percent for years in a row.

He emphasized China’s commitment to a human rights development path that is in line with the trend of the times and suits their national conditions,

“China has been constantly developing whole-process people’s democracy… it is people’s democracy in nature, and also represents the will of the state. It is, therefore, extensive, genuine democracy that truly works.”

Xie went on to quote a poll on public satisfaction with the Communist Regime.

“According to a decade-long Harvard poll and surveys by Edelman, the Chinese people’s satisfaction with its government has stayed above 90 percent for years in a row.”

Xie even touched on China’s human rights record.

“China is committed to a human rights development path that meets the trend of the times and suits our national conditions.”

But countless reports from human rights groups report form a stark contrast to that message.