Chinese Mother Died, Son Jailed for Human Rights

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 2, 2021China in Focus

A Chinese man is in custody for fighting for the human rights of the vulnerable. Worse still, the Chinese authorities deprived his right to see his mom before she died.

While people are celebrating the new year, Wu Gujianxiong is facing the reality of losing his mom. The Chinese regime refused to let Wu see his mom for the last time.

Wu Gujianxiong just turned 26, two weeks ago (Dec. 15) while at a detention center in the Southern Chinese province of Hunan.

For one year and a half, Chinese authorities didn’t allow him to see his family, or send any letters or messages to them. His ailing mom missed her only child so much that she failed to sleep or eat.

His mom’s medical condition worsened day by day. One day before Christmas Eve (Dec. 23), the tumor in her brain’s blood vessels ruptured. She died on the last day of 2020.

Wu was a member of a non-profit agency “Changsha Funeng” in China, fighting for the human rights of the vulnerable. This includes people with disabilities, victims of China’s one-child policy, and other disadvantaged groups.

Wu’s two colleagues are in a similar predicament.

Wu’s father is a lawyer. Wu originally wanted his dad to be his defense counsel. But authorities told his dad, that it was Wu’s wish to dismiss him and instead accepted another lawyer designated by authorities. This also happened to Wu’s colleagues in custody. Wu’s father believes the authorities coerced them to do so.