Christian Doctor is Denied Job for not Using Certain Pronouns

Miguel Moreno
By Miguel Moreno
July 10, 2019US News

A Christian doctor who was fired for refusing to use “arbitrary” pronouns says that he was discriminated against for his religious belief.

Dr. David Mackereth said before a court that he was deemed “unfit” for a Medical Assessor position by the Department of Work and Pensions in London last year. The Equalities Act 2010 requires doctors to use a patient’s desired pronoun, which the department enforces.

But Mackereth, who has been a doctor for over 25 years, has said that God made man and woman, and that gender is given at birth—something unchangeable.

“So, I’m coming to court today because I want the right to practice medicine as a Christian doctor, in the way that I always have, and I’m very much hoping that the court will decide that I can’t be forced to use language in a way that I consider to be dishonest,” he said during an interview outside of an employment tribunal building in Birmingham.

Piers Morgan of Good Morning Britain accused Mackereth of being “intolerant” and a “bigot” for his belief. But the doctor said that his intention isn’t to hurt any specific group of people.

“I want to stress that this isn’t personal; we’re not out to get anybody,” he said. “As a Christian doctor, I believe we have to show compassion to all our patients, whatever their background.”

The problem, he told The Telegraph, is that other professionals who think like him can be denied a job for having a centuries-old belief.

The Associated Press contributed to this article.