Citi Bike Launched Pedal-Assist Bicycles Into Their System

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
August 21, 2018New York

On Aug. 20, the first batch of 200 Pedal-Assist bicycles was released into the Citi Bike system.

The pedal-assist bikes use a torque responsive motor on the front wheel and a battery to provide energy.

General Manager of City Bike, Kris Sandor said: “If you’re pedaling flat it will give you energy as you try to go faster, but it will top out about 18 mph which is what we think is a nice safe speed. If you’re going up a hill, it will give you boost.”

The new pedal-assist bicycles will be placed at City Bike dock stations, everywhere in New York City for public use.

“There is no extra cost. We want all of our members to try this. Our goal is to get people to try pedal-assist. We want to get their experience, we want to learn from what they doing, We want to show them how wonderful we think it can be,” said Jay Walder, President of Motivate.

Borough President of Brooklyn, Eric Adams, think that the emergence of such pedal-assist bicycles could change the way New Yorkers get around.

“We want to motivate people to realize there is more than a bus, is more than a train, is more than your car. There are other methods that we can use to get around the city of New York,” he said.

Jay Walder, President of Motivate believes that these bikes will not only make life easier for bike users but also to increase the number of people that ride bikes.

Some New Yorkers who usually don’t ride Citi Bikes are already interested in renting one of these pedal-assist bicycles.

“When you have your own bicycle, you have to lock it up and you have to be careful. Also when you have a motorcycle, you will get tickets. This sounds like a good idea for me,” said Wilfred, a New Yorker.