College Student Convinces Professor to Let Dog Attend Class

Colin Fredericson
By Colin Fredericson
September 23, 2017US News
College Student Convinces Professor to Let Dog Attend Class
Pets belonging to evacuees sit in crates in Austin, Texas. (Suzanne Cordeiro/AFP/Getty Images)

A college student in Georgia was allowed to bring her dog into class before she evacuated to escape Hurricane Irma.

She sent an email to her professor at Georgia Southern University explaining her dilemma, trying to persuade him that she really wanted to attend class but that it wouldn’t be convenient without the dog.

“My name is Jessica Lewis and I’m in your TR Intro to Political Science class at 3:30pm. I realize the answer to this is probably no, but I thought that you might actually be a cool enough professor to say yes, and so I figured it was worth a shot,” began Jessica Lewis’s email to professor Kennedy, via Mashable.

The email continued, and Lewis went on to deliver her hopes to keep the canine by her side within the institution of higher learning and with the blessings of those inside. Lewis and her roommate adopted the dog from a shelter in April.

“Can I bring my dog to class today? It would help me out SO much because your class is my last class of the day and I have to leave as soon as your class gets out to try to get home to Atlanta as soon as possible (trying my hardest to beat this storm traffic but your class is important to me so I don’t want to skip it) …”

And in order to package her plea to persuade Kennedy to possibly violate school policies, she ended her email with a helping of cuteness, and even included photos of the dog.

“I promise she’ll be good and only the teeniest bit disruptive. 🙂 I’ve attached several pictures of her below to help convince you with her cuteness.”

But the discerning professor could see through the plot. He called out her persuasive tactics in his reply.

“Did you think calling me “cool” would get me to say yes? Because it won’t work. What will work is that SHE’S OBVIOUSLY A GOOD GIRL SO OF COURSE YOU CAN BRING HER.”

Lewis was ecstatic about the near-immediate response. As soon as she received his email she ran to tell her roommate. She brought the dog to the Sept. 7 class with no leash in sight. The entire class was amused with the dog’s presence, including the professor. After class, Lewis continued with her evacuation plans, Today reported.

Lewis’s Statesboro residence, along with her family home in Atlanta were both in good condition after the hurricane passed through.