College Student Says She Was Bullied After Posting Photo With Mike Pence

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
August 15, 2017News
College Student Says She Was Bullied After Posting Photo With Mike Pence
(Screenshot Via Fox News, Facebook)

A college student said she was bullied after she posted a photo of her posing alongside Vice President Mike Pence.

The student from Scripps College—a liberal arts women’s college—said her peers believed her photo with Pence “constitutes direct violence and oppression against marginalized groups.”

In an article she wrote in her school newspaper detailing her experience, McKenzie Deutsch, explains how she feared being “shunned” by her classmates and professors if she posted the photo. In the end, she decided to post the photo and hoped for the best—but her fears came true.

The comments soon turned to harassment, with many resorting to calling her crude names.

“Shortly after posting the photo, I began receiving vicious comments and private messages accusing me of not caring about LGBTQ rights and attacking me for getting anywhere near the Vice-President. Close friends and distant acquaintances alike lashed out in fury, subjecting me to lectures, rants, and name-calling—all while ignoring the photo’s plainly apolitical context,” she wrote.

In her article titled “When a photo with the VP is ‘Violence'” she recalls how one comment criticized her for standing next to someone who is “a threat to human rights everywhere.”

Another person said she was “ignoring the plights of marginalized people to achieve personal gain” and “smiled with [her] oppressors.”

“Did you manage to ask him why he thinks women are second-class citizens?” one asked.

In her school article, Deutsch questioned how things had reached a point today where a photo can spark so much anger.

“How did we get to the point where taking a photo with someone is an act of violence?” she wrote.

She said her peers believed the best way to respond was to “confront, accuse, and lecture” instead of having an adult conversation.

“How will we ever be able to have adult conversations if no one is ever willing to listen to those who have opposing philosophies? How can we coexist when we write off our political opponents—as well as those who dare to take photos with them—as morally bankrupt?”

Deutsch said she felt as if she had to share the liberal politics of her peers “in order to be treated with respect or considered a decent person.”

She said things should not be the way they are now, stressing the need for genuine dialogue.

“No one seems to remember what their teachers have taught them since Kindergarten: Be respectful of others,” she added.



Trump shirt-wearing Starbucks Customer Claims Employees Bullied and Mocked Her

Pedestrians cross a street in front of a Starbucks coffee house in Sydney Australia on May 28, 2014. (Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images)
Pedestrians cross a street in front of a Starbucks coffee house in Sydney Australia on May 28, 2014. (Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images)

By Jack Phillips

Starbucks employees reportedly harassed a woman for wearing a Donald Trump shirt.

They told her: “Build a wall,” echoing Trump’s campaign promise.

“I don’t know what politics has to do with getting a cup of coffee,” Kayla Hart said, reported Fox 46 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“They shouted out build a wall and shoved a drink at me and then all the baristas in the back started cracking up laughing,” said Hart.

Hart said that their taunts grabbed the attention of other customers. Hart then walked out of the Starbucks.

“I just found it really sad that I can’t wear a t-shirt with our president without being made fun of,” Hart told the Fox affiliate. “This isn’t me trying to get people to stop going to Starbucks. I just want it to be put out there so people know this is what’s occurring. I don’t think it’s right you should be humiliated for wearing a t-shirt with your opinion on it.”

Also, instead of her name, the baristas wrote, “Build A Wall.”

Starbucks then issued a response on the incident.

“We failed to meet this customer’s expectations of us, and we have apologized and are working directly with her to make it right. This experience is not consistent with our standards or the welcoming and respectful experience we aim to provide every customer who visit our stores. We have spoken with our store partners about this situation and are using this as a coaching opportunity for the future,” Starbucks said in a written statement.