Company builds video-violence detection technology for online platforms

The spread of violent videos on social media channels has continued to raise concerns. Especially after a young father killed his baby daughter and himself on Facebook Live. A Singapore company is building technology to detect these kinds of videos.

Harsh Munshi, Research And Development Engineer at Graymatics, gave an example of where the technology could be useful, “We take a lot of videos and we train those particular sequences as fighting and then we have got a model ready, now when we deploy it say for example in a surveillance camera, any action which is close to this particular thing would be classified as fighting and you can send an alarm back to the control room or control panel.”

Graymatics records videos of violence, takes clips of real violence, and takes movie clips of violence to build a database that uses artificial intelligence to recognize violent videos.

The technology could be used to clean up the content of social media feeds.