Congressmen Nominate Trump for 2019 Nobel Peace Prize

Congressmen Nominate Trump for 2019 Nobel Peace Prize
President Donald Trump (Samira Bouaou/Epoch Times) North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in. (Korea Summit Press Pool/ AFP/Getty Images)

A group of 18 House lawmakers signed a letter formally nominating President Donald Trump for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula.

“Since taking office, President Trump has worked tirelessly to apply maximum pressure on North Korea to end its illicit weapons programs and bring peace to the region,” says the letter drafted by Rep. Luke Messer and signed by 17 Republican House members.

The formal nomination comes on the heels of a statement from South Korean President Moon Jae-in that “Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize.” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korea’s Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha both credited Trump for the breakthrough.

“His Administration successfully united the international community, including China, to impose one of the most successful international sanctions regimes in history,” the letter says. “The sanctions have decimated the North Korean economy and have been largely credited for bringing North Korea to the negotiating table.”

Messer has floated the idea of nominating Trump for the prize since March.

“The only reason the North Korean dictator is coming to the table is because President Trump has stared him down and shown him that we have a leader in America who means business and who has changed the dynamic in major ways,” Messer told Fox News. “That’s why I think he has to be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize.”

CIA Director Mike Pompeo meets North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un during the 2018 Easter weekend (March 30 – April 2) in Pyongyang, North Korea. (The White House)

When Trump spoke about the breakthrough with North Korea during a rally in Michigan this weekend, the crowd began chanting, “Nobel, Nobel, Nobel.”

Trump faced the threat from North Korea head-on early in his presidency while dealing with a battery of high-stakes crises at home and abroad. The communist regime’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, tested several missiles purportedly capable of reaching the United States and detonated what Pyongyang said was a hydrogen bomb.

Trump responded with firm threats of military action and a corresponding relocation of firepower to the Korean peninsula. Simultaneously, the president spearheaded an unprecedented sanctions regime and forged alliances with key players in the region.

Trump’s stalwart strategic posture led to a series of concessions from Kim, including a peace deal and an agreement to complete denuclearization secured during the historic meeting between the two Koreas last week. Kim also agreed to stop testing intercontinental ballistic missiles. In another bow to Trump on Wednesday, Kim released the last three American detainees who were held in North Korean prison camps.

“Although North Korea has evaded demands from the international community to cease its aggression for decades, President Trump’s peace through strength policies are working and bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula,” the lawmakers’ letter to the Nobel Peace Prize committee concludes. “We can think of no one more deserving of the Committee’s recognition in 2019 than President Trump for his tireless work to bring peace to the world.”

From The Epoch Times


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