COVID Vaccine Injury Data: 143,233 Percent Increase in Cancer

When something goes wrong inside a cell’s DNA, the cell fires a signal that tells other cells, “I’ve gone bad. Please kill me.”

This early warning helps the immune system stop cancer cells from multiplying. It stops a virus from replicating. So it’s a very important early response tool that works across the whole body.

Recent studies suggest that COVID-19 vaccines may be damaging this early warning system, and fundamentally, they’re changing how our immune system reacts to cancer cells and new infections. We still don’t know if that’s a temporary change.

On Frontline Health, we share a story of a perfectly healthy man who developed stage 3 esophageal cancer five months after taking his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. His wife believes it was the jab that spiraled her husband’s health out of control. Her suspicions are supported by a huge spike in cancers that have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since the start of COVID-19 vaccinations. Meanwhile, doctors on the ground are seeing the same spikes of cancer diagnosis in their patients.

Read the original article here.


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