Critics Say ‘Comprehensive Sexuality’ Curriculum an Assault on Children

Long gone are the days when sex education was an awkward biology class. But even then, it was controversial since the topic is unavoidably wedded to morality. 

Today, the classroom conversation—and the moral messaging behind it—has totally changed. Children are taught they have “sexual rights” to things like pleasure, birth control, abortion, puberty blockers—even gender reassignment surgery.

Our two guests can tell us how this new gender and sexuality revolution is impacting children.

Dr. Quentin Van Meter is the president of the American College of Pediatricians, and he explains the rise of children presenting as transgender and the push for gender reassignment surgery.

Sharon Slater is president of Family Watch International. Her organization has been fighting against the new sex ed called “comprehensive sexuality education” that’s now in schools in the United States and around the world.

Watch the full episode on Epoch TV.