Dad Just Didn’t Want To Change Diaper, Baby’s Reaction Was So Hilarious

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 14, 2016Editors' Choice
Dad Just Didn’t Want To Change Diaper, Baby’s Reaction Was So Hilarious

Changing diapers is all in a days work for parents of babies. Changing a diaper on such a small baby seems like an easy enough task. Even tweens that take classes in babysitting learn the basics of diapering. For one macho looking dad, however, changing his little daughter’s dirty diaper turned out to be very difficult, and absolutely adorable!

It’s astonishing what one little bitty human can do to keep a full grown man from getting a simple job done. This daddy’s precious baby girl was lying very still as she watched her daddy struggle to change her dirty diaper. Each time he comes near and begins taking off the nasty diaper, he starts gagging at the unpleasant sight and smell!

The video of this hysterical father-daughter moment shows the dad stepping away over and over again as he tries to prepare himself mentally for the challenging task ahead. In spite of the fact that he can’t stop gagging and is obviously having a rough time, he just can’t help but laugh after each failed attempt.

Watch the hilarious video below:

And the most adorable part of the entire video? His little girl’s innocent reaction as she watches her daddy choke up, time and time again at the revolting situation before him. Fortunately, she’s so young that all she’s capable of is laughing and smiling at her fathers distress.

It’s well known that books on parenting can’t always prepare new parents for every situation that they’ll experience. And even though every dad knows that eventually, he’s gonna have to change a diaper, sometimes the reality of the duty is a bit more challenging than he expected.

Before you go

This baby might be super cute, but her mom might have a little trouble thinking that when she pokes and prods her to wake her up instead of letting her sleep.