Darius And His Son Are The World’s Biggest Bunnies

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 14, 2017Videos

Darius is officially the biggest rabbit in the world at a whopping 4ft 4in (1.3m) and 49lbs (22.2kg) , but he may not be able to keep that title for much longer. A challenger appears, his own son Jeffery! At just over a year old he is already 3ft 8in (1.1M) and still has six months to grow and seems to be on track to taking the record.

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The two are members of the Continental Giant breed. A type originally bred for meat but are now kept as house pets being easier to handle than small rabbits. According to their owner Annette Edwards of Bromsgrove the massive pair are so large they need to consume over $6000 in food a year. They take in about 2000 carrots and 700 apples annually as well as special rabbit food daily—and a bail of hay per week.