DC Rally Participants: ‘We Need to Stand Up for What Is Right’

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 15, 2020Latest Videos

An elderly couple at a rally in Washington D.C. on Dec. 12 spoke to NTD News:

“There are many people here for the same purpose to pray and pray together. We can still hope that our current president remains the president. But if he doesn’t, he said he’s going to try again in four years. But we hope we don’t have to wait that long, because country’s gonna get screwed up real fast, worse than it is already. It’s not worth giving up though.”

“There’s a battle, there has been for thousands of years. But currently now, in the United States, it seems that a lot of the evil is getting through more than it had been. And it seems like it’s gonna come through even more if Joe Biden goes into the White House.”

“Joe Biden and company are sold out to other interests, not to the United States’ interests, and we need to stand up for what is right. We believe the election was won by Donald John Trump. And we want to stand up for due process, we want to stand up for righteousness and truth in the vote. And we are against all this massive fraud that’s very evident. There’s a lot of evidence, despite what the mainstream media wants to feed us. We’re not taking that.”

“We don’t want to be told you can’t go to church, only 10 of you at a time or something. We go in safely, they block off every other pew, or every third one or whatever. And now they’re starting to try to cut into that again. The governor of Virginia now, did you know that? He’s got it starting again now, tomorrow or something. He’s telling you you can’t do this, that, or the other thing, and they’re taking away, shutting down our businesses.”