Deep Dive (Aug. 27): Former US Secretary of Defense Says Troops Will Have to Go Back

Tiffany Meier
By Tiffany Meier
August 27, 2021China in Focus

Flags are flying at half-staff to honor the lives lost in the deadly terror attack in Kabul. With 13 U.S. service members killed, it marks the deadliest day for American troops in Afghanistan in a decade. President Joe Biden ordered the White House flags to be flown at half-staff to honor the lives lost. Press Secretary Jen Psaki said flags will also be lowered on U.S. military bases and federal government buildings until sunset on Aug. 30. And the former U.S. secretary of defense says the United States will probably go back into Afghanistan to fight ISIS militants. He told CNN, “We’re going to have to go back in to get ISIS. We’re probably going to have to go back in when Al Qaeda resurrects itself as they will with this Taliban. They gave safe haven to Al Qaeda before. They’ll probably do it again. So yeah, you know, like I understand that we’re trying to get our troops out of there. But the bottom line is we can leave a battlefield, but we can’t leave the war on terrorism, which still is a threat to our security.”

Politico reported that the Taliban was given a list of American citizens, Afghan allies, and others by U.S. officials. The list was to get them into the airport. But some are worried it had the opposite effect. A source told Fox News that handing over the names of the people who are cleared to travel to the airport essentially earmarked them for destruction.

In a victory for landlords, the Supreme Court blocked the extension of the Biden administration’s COVID-related eviction moratorium. The White House said it regretted the Supreme Court’s decision. It’s urging states, cities, landlords, and others to do what they could to help. A majority of the Justices ruled that the only way the eviction moratorium could continue was if Congress specifically authorized it. The unsigned eight-page decision says the CDC exceeded its authority in preventing landlords from evicting tenants for unpaid rent.

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