Deep Dive (May 17): ‘Mask-Erpiece Theater’: Rep. Gibbs Leads 34 Republicans in Urging House Speaker Pelosi to Lift Mask Mandate

Tiffany Meier
By Tiffany Meier
May 17, 2021Deep Dive

Many businesses are scrambling with new challenges after the CDC’s relaxed mask guidelines caught them off guard. Starting Monday, Target and Starbucks joined a growing list of retailers easing mask requirements for fully vaccinated customers. But it still depends on local or state law. Walmart, Costco, Trader Joe’s, and Publix say no masks are required for customers who are fully vaccinated. They were among the first ones to change their in-store policy after the CDC’s announcement.

Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) is leading 34 Republican lawmakers in calling on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to lift the mask mandate in the House. He urges Pelosi to follow CDC guidelines.

Delta Airlines’ CEO says that all new hires will have to get vaccinated before starting their jobs. This comes as the U.S. Space Force relieves a commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier, after he published a book about the spread of Marxism and critical race theory in the military. Lohmeier told he had consulted with his higher-ups before publishing the book, adding his intent was never to engage in partisan politics, but rather to spread awareness about the rise in polarization in the military.

And while masks started coming off across the country, the CDC is still recommending schools keep the mask mandate in place for children. The CDC said in its latest guideline that all K–12 schools “should implement and layer prevention strategies and should prioritize universal and correct use of masks and physical distancing.”

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