Man puts his head into a crocodile’s mouth, what happens next will send shivers up your spine!

Man puts his head into a crocodile’s mouth, what happens next will send shivers up your spine!

Ranging from ants to ancient dinosaurs, man has explored every animal species it can get its hands on. As we see on “Crocodile Death Roll, Untamed and Uncut,“ some people take it further than your normal biology class.

Death Roll is a crocodile’s favorite activity and he adopt it to kill his prey. He try to break the body part of prey seized in his big mouth by rolling at a very high speed. Some people complicate it with crocodile trying to scratch his back but that’s totally nonsense because intensity of rolling in first case is considerably high. Untamed and Uncut (A TV show) can be named as crocodile tv show because they’ve exposed this horrifying phenomena occurred accidentally during a dare stunt of putting hand in crocodile’s open mouth.