The story of a dying pup’s remarkable recovery and the power of unconditional human love!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 9, 2017Stories
The story of a dying pup’s remarkable recovery and the power of unconditional human love!

Oliver  – a little skinny, starved pup lay on the roadside nearly dead. Even the flies swarming over him thought him to be dead for sure. But the poor little soul was not so weak – it fought with all his might and is now one healthy adorable dog.

This is the journey of his survival that highlights the boundless power of true compassion!

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When the rescue team, Animal Aid Unlimited – India, reached the scene, they found Oliver completely covered with flies. He was hardly breathing and very close to death.

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Rescue workers rushed to give him medical aid to this poor animal, who had turned cold, even his pulse was very weak. They immediately administered IV fluids, surrounded him with hot water bottles and massaged his body to make him warm. This tender loving care rescued Oliver from sure death.

In less than an hour, Oliver already showed signs of recovery.

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Oliver displayed his resolve to recover and his zest for life.

Oliver was diagnosed with a raging respiratory infection that was treated with antibiotics. He was also seriously malnourished. After two months of hard work by the rescue workers, Oliver had completely recovered.

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Oliver is now, just another happy pup showering his affection and showing his gratitude with warm hugs.

Would you like to guess who named him ‘Oliver’?

 Just look … he seems so healthy and happy!

The “about” section of the YouTube page of Animal Aid Unlimited mentions that it is a leading street animal rescue center in India. Its hospital and sanctuary are home to more than 4,500 rescued and recovering animals each year.