Dissent in Europe Over Vaccine Mandates

Mask mandates, vaccines for children, health passports—all hot topics. In different states we have different debates, but we haven’t seen large-scale protests against these measures in the United States. That’s not the case in parts of Europe, particularly in France, where hundreds of thousands are taking to the streets each week to protest government overreach. Greece, Germany, Italy and the UK have also seen big demonstrations. Other countries are a different story, as we find out. Today we reach across the Atlantic to hear from dissenting voices in France, the UK, and Belgium. 

We’re joined by Captain Alexandre Juving-Brunet, a former military intelligence officer in France and now a freedom activist; Alan Miller, the founder of the #OpenForAll campaign in the UK; and Sam Brokken, a Belgian public health professor who lost his job because he challenged a point of fact in a public debate with one of the nation’s leading virologists. 

Watch the full episode on EpochTV.